
“Harnessing the power of human connection as a catalyst for change”

We specialise in developing future ready leaders, focusing on building new connections and challenging the status quo to drive the changes needed today.

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My whole career has been about understanding human behaviour. I have journeyed, at a senior level, through finance, data, customer segmentation and social media, and at the core of my learning there has always been a curiosity for how people connect.

Today, my goal is to share my curiosity and support both leaders and their organisations to become naturally inclusive, by creating safe spaces to expand their frames of reference and connecting them to their new ways of thinking.

What I do

Inclusive Leadership

Diversity of Thought + New Connections = Future Ready Leadership

I specialise in creating Connected Leadership programs, based on the principles of reverse mentoring, growth mindset and values led leadership. Helping your leaders see people through a different lens. this is invisitblet


Safely exploring your potential and blockers
= Maximising you

In periods of change everybody needs an impartial ‘thinking partner’ and a safe space to work through Where they are, Who they are and to understand what they really want from their life. We put our needs too far down our list of things to do  – it’s time to prioritize ourselves!


Engaging a passionate speaker for your sessions = invisible text

I believe in the power of human connections and I believe in inspiring leadership growth. Conferences and events can be unique platforms to promote positive change and develop new approaches to organisational challenges.

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My journal – conversational thoughts
